Donnie Hansen always looked buttoned down

Thursday, April 5, 2012

To Retro Motocross blog followers:

I apologize.  Life and my job got in the way of posting exciting MX photos from yesteryear.  No excuse for putting work and other personal issues in front of MX. Sorry for losing my priorities.

Here's a sharp image of Donnie Hansen making time at a Supercross race. When Donnie was hot, he was almost unstoppable.  He was a consummate Team Honda rider. Every part of Donnie was factory; his bike, his gear and his riding form.

Good memories from these days, when I was working the floor of the stadium for Cycle News East.  I always knew that after I clicked the shutter for Donnie, David or Broc or Darrell or some other superstar would fill my viewfinder in the second that followed.

I was living a dream.


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