Jimmy Weinert played mind games

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Here's a shot of Jimmy Weinert wearing a leisure suit and cowboy boots...seems I remember that was requisite pit apparel for announcers.  As usual my mind is fading and I'm not sure why Weinert was announcing versus riding, but maybe we'll get that detail some other day.

Weinert was winding down his racing career when I was coming onto the scene in the early 1980's.  What I remember about him is that he acted like an adult while the rest of us were all kids.  My boss, Jack Mangus, loved Weinert and whenever the two talked (like at the Houston Astrodome) it was like watching any two other adults have a conversation.  That didn't have much to do with the rest of us who were moto dogs.

Most of my Weinert stories are second hand.  I was once told he knew about an upcoming emergency run off for trucks on a winding mountain road. Weinert had a bunch of rookie MXers in the car and on the way down the road, he went into wild theatrics about how the brakes had failed.  The Jammer screamed and swerved the car from side to side, terrifying the occupants.

Story goes at just the right time, Jammin' Jimmy came upon the truck run off and stuck the rental ride into the sand up to its axles.

True?  Who knows but I've been telling that one for years.  If anyone can verify or refute, drop a comment.


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