Mini kid gets an attaboy from dad

Sunday, April 29, 2012

I don't know/remember what happened here, but it can't be good.  Mini Team Green kid is letting the tears flow while dad (or some other figure of authority) takes a break from the Miller High Life to console the youngster. Seems that in this case, the authority figure is a good guy...not a screaming mini dad trying to live vicariously through the child.

Anyone who has been on the MX scene knows the game: It's not an "all in" sport like many schools promote today, where everyone is a winner.

In MX, second place is first loser.

Motocross is in many ways a tough sport.  Put a little kid on the line and when the gate drops, it's time to man up or eat dirt and be a wannabe.

I'm not sure how the scenario above played out.  Let's hope that in this case it was all good and junior grew up to be solid citizen and community leader.


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