Wrangler and Broc: Pushing jeans at retail

Friday, December 16, 2011

Thought I'd share just a bit more love and post this Wrangler retail promotion poster.  This creative was designed for the 1983 Wrangler Super Series, which was the AMA/Wrangler initiative to combine points from Supercross and the MX Nationals, so that one rider could be promoted as #1 in the sport (David Bailey won the title in a rather interesting fashion, but that's another story for another day).

Wrangler was a pioneer at retail activation; the company built a highly successful program tying jeans sales to rodeo tickets and moved that same expertise to Supercross. This Yamaha YZ promotion leveraged Broc Glover as celebrity athlete.  The Wrangler sales force coordinated with the special events team to make sure point-of-sale attracted customers to enter to win and hopefully purchase some Wrangler gear in the process.

I learned a ton working on the Wrangler project.  It was a new era in event marketing and I had a front row seat helping to implement the plans.  I'll always be grateful for the opportunity to work the corporate side of a sport I truly loved.


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