A good friend and influential character in my life recently passed away.
Tom Weisenberger was a motocross pioneer in the central Wisconsin area. He was the brains and brawn behind Black Bear MX Park, a top regional track cut into the north woods in the early 1970's.
Tom was also the owner and operator of our local Suzuki, Maico and Hodaka shop. For us, it was all things motocross. It was a place where young, wayward boys could hang out and dream about racing, talk trash about the latest Suzuki TM mods and learn how to hop up a Combat Wombat.
Tom treated me like a man. I'd always get a loud "What's up, Mueller?" when I walked in the door. The Honda shop reps down the street would chase me away like a rat underfoot, while Tom treated me like a welcome guest.
I can recall when Tom got the first Suzuki RE-5 rotary engine bike into the shop. We were in a semi-circle staring at it and Tom looked at me and said "take 'er for a ride!" I became the proud owner of a TS185 Suzuki enduro; we set it up with Preston Petty plastic fenders and an oversize orange plastic tank.
Tom would travel with us to the MX Nationals in Red Bud, Michigan; he was part of the crew on some of our epic snowmobile excursions. As the decades rolled by, Tom remained adaptable. He was inquisitive and never judgmental. Tom always existed on the bright side of life. He wasn't wired for negatives.
We all have MX mentors in our lives. Special people who took a moment to give us an attaboy when needed, or propped us up with a touch of respect as we found our identities.
Tom Weisenberger was our MX pioneer and leader. He will be missed.
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